Apr 1 – May 30, 2018
Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States + Screen Saver Gallery+ a number of participating educational institutions world wide
Apr 1 – May 30, 2018
Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan, New York, United States + Screen Saver Gallery+ a number of participating educational institutions world wide
During her Fulbright Research at Columbia University in New York, Marie Meixnerová aka (c) merry has prepared a participatory collaborative project that is exhibited in New York as part of Unleashing exhibition organized by Columbia University and at the same time presented as an online exhibition Unleashing Screensaver in virtual ScreenSaverGallery.
Unleashing Screensaver is a participatory collaborative project which looks at the notion of aesthetic education and its diversity across fields and cultures.
Over 45 educators and their students from various educational institutions, disciplines and countries are participating with one, two or three contributions which will each be screened for one day. Ranging from gifs, sound files, videos, net art, performative screenings, theoretical statements and many more, they address their personal experiences and their attitudes towards aesthetic education, while exploring the medium of screensaver as a potential educational tool.
You can follow the exhibition from anywhere in the world by downloading ScreenSaverGallery into your computer at http://screensaver.metazoa.org.Unleashing Screensaver runs in parallel with a number of participating educational institutions where the virtual Screensaver gallery has been installed in their computer rooms and libraries.
Join the crowd by installing ScreenSaverGallery at the computers in your school!
concept & coordination: (c) merry
with support of Teachers College, Columbia University & Screen Saver Gallery & PAF
+ http://unleashing.tc.columbia.edu
+ https://www.facebook.com/Unleashing2018/
Den otevřených dveří na KVV | Studijní program PRŮMYSLOVÝ DESIGN | Ondřej Michálek – 25. laureát Ceny Vladimíra Boudníka | Paláce a zahrady // Rude Awakening | Výstava diplomových prací | Okouzleni krajinou | Captivated by the Landscape | Životní šance | Výstava diplomových prací | Jsme UP: Absolventské setkání Univerzity Palackého | Anna Zemánková | UNLEASHING SCREENSAVER | Dominika Koššová: S Valie | XY 2018: Intermédiá VŠVU Bratislava: CODEC | POKUS O PŘEKONÁNÍ HRANICE | XY 2016
Festival (oborových) didaktik, 7. 11. 2024 / velká aula PdF UP
Zveme Vás na další ročník setkání (oborových) didaktiků Pedagogické fakulty UP, který byl pozitivně hodnocen účastníky i přednášejícími. Tématem letošního festivalu je Kompetenční rámec absolventa a absolventky učitelství a jeho implementace do přípravy budoucích pedagogických pracovníků. V rámci širšího programu vystoupí vzácní hosté, taktéž plánujeme kulatý stůl a diskusi na dané téma. Podrobné informace o programu budou včas upřesněny.